Client LoginType Tester

The Epilio Client LoginType Tester for IBM Lotus Sametime, enables Sametime Administrators to test the client restrictions of their IBM Lotus Sametime Community Server.

Sametime has Sametime.ini parameters to restrict which client versions can connect to the Sametime server, but without installing each client versions it is not easy for Sametime administrators to check the parameters are working, or that the parameters are set correctly.

This command line tool, allows a Sametime Administrator to connect to the Sametime server as a specific Client Type, and reports if the login was a success of failure.

Although only tested on windows, the tool is a Java jar file, and should run on any Sametime server platform with a Java runtime environment.

The current Sametime client types are listed by IBM at their support site in the document How to determine the Client Type that is connecting to a Sametime server
Highslide JS

The tool is accessed with a simple command line:

Java -jar LoginTester.jar SametimeServerName LoginName LoginPassword LoginType

The LoginType can be found in the IBM document referenced above. Sametime 8.5.1 for example is 0x130C

"C:\Program Files\Java\jre\Java" -jar C:\LoginTester.jar ST.ACME.COM "Bill Bolts" "BillsPassword" 0x130C

If you wish to test all the LoginTypes documented in the above document when this web page was written, a CMD file is provided in the download that will cycle through each one. Be sure to edit the CMD file before running it, entering the parameters required at the top of the file, which specify information like Java location, user name, password etc.

Version 1.1

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